supporting families to create enjoyable, stress-free mealtimes

Your local paediatric dietitian based in Coffs Harbour
Providing families with expertise and support using a neuro-affirming lens, to help make meal times more relaxed

hi, i’m sheree

hi, i’m sheree

Sheree focuses on unique goals for children and their families and translates evidence-based nutritional information into practical advice, in a fun and safe environment.

Book Appointment

  • Referrals are welcome but if you don’t have one, that is OK. Your child can see Sheree without a referral.

    Please check with your GP if your child is eligible for a care plan under Medicare - CDMP (Chronic Disease) or EDP (Eating Disorders).

  • 10 Earl Street
    Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450

    (within Harbour Therapy Clinic)

    Click here to view a map.

  • Medicare**/Private**/self-funded:

    Initial $200 for up to 75 minutes.

    Review $150 for up to 45 minutes.

    NDIS fees: $193.99 for 60 minutes

    **Medicare will cover a portion of the cost with an eligible referral.

    **Please check with your health fund whether you are entitled to a rebate.

  • Sheree works with infants, children and adolescents up to the age of 16 years.

    Discussions will be had with families around transition to an older adolescent/adult service as adolescents reach the upper age. Discretion will be used in ensuring best care and handover for clients.

    Adults are not seen in this service but can be seen by other dietitians.


  • General infant & kids nutrition

    Supporting breastfeeding and formula feeding, weaning and starting solids, faltering growth, poor appetite, nutritional deficiency, constipation

  • Picky Eating and ARFID

    “Fussy” eating, Paediatric Feeding Differences and ARFID with a neuro-affirming lens (Autism, ADHD)

  • Disordered eating and Eating Disorders

    Helping clients and their families find enjoyment in eating and overcome the anxiety, guilt and shame that eating disorders can elicit

  • Allergies, intolerances and autoimmune conditions

    IgE and non- IgE allergies (single or multiple food allergies, FPIES), coeliac disease

  • Genetic syndromes

    Impacting feeding & growth, needing nutrition support or tube feeding, nutritional management of texture modifications

  • Dietitian supervision & group education

    Please contact Sheree for more information